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Mac OS X

Mac OS X users can download and use the GPG Suite from


Windows users can download and use PGP4Win at

A more comprehensive list of GnuPG (an free / open-source implementation of OpenPGP) based software is available at

Start Using PGP Based Tools Today!


It's easy to start. Here is what you need to do:



1. Download and install a PGP compatible software (see list)

2. Create a PGP key for yourself and upload the public key to
   a keyserver

3. Get your friends and collegues to do the same, so you can
   communicate with them privately

Here are some free OpenPGP based tools for your system:

All Linux distributions provide GnuPG based tools through their respective package managers. Look for 'gnupg' or 'gpg'.


There are several PGP tools for Android, including GNU Privacy Guard from TheGuardianProject available on the App Store

Android Devices
iPhone and iPad

Some PGP tools are available for iOS from the App store, including IPGMail

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